Saturday, December 25, 2010

Scala script to find duplicate files

Here is simple Scala script finding duplicate files and moving them to another directory. It searches album-with-duplicates for duplicates of files in main-album. All duplicates found are moved to copies directory in user's home.

If you have some ideas how to improve it, I'd appreciate if you share it in comments.

MD5 algorithm taken from here.
package com.blogspot.pawelstawicki.remove.duplicates

import{FileInputStream, File}
import{FilenameUtils, FileUtils, IOUtils}

 * @author ${}
object App {
  def main(args : Array[String]) {
    val dir1 = new File("/photos/main-album,");
    val dir2 = new File("/photos/album-with-duplicates");

    val dir1Content = getAllFiles(dir1)
    val dir2Content = getAllFiles(dir2)

    var dir1Map = Map[String, File]()
    dir1Content.foreach(f => {
      val md5 = md5SumString(IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(f)))
      println("md5 for " + f.getPath + ": " + md5)
      dir1Map = dir1Map + (md5 -> f)

    var dir2Map = Map[String, File]()
    dir2Content.foreach(f => {
      val md5 = md5SumString(IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(f)))
      println("md5 for " + f.getPath + ": " + md5)
      dir2Map = dir2Map + (md5 -> f)

    for(md51 <- dir1Map.keys; md52 <- dir2Map.keys) {

      if (md51.equals(md52)) {
        val suspectedDuplicate = dir2Map(md52)
        val original = dir1Map(md52)

        if (checkDuplicate(original, suspectedDuplicate)) {
          println(suspectedDuplicate.getPath + " is duplicate of " + original.getPath)
          val copiesDir = new File(FileUtils.getUserDirectory + "/copies/" + FilenameUtils.getPathNoEndSeparator(original.getAbsolutePath()));
          println("Moving to " + copiesDir.getPath)
          FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(suspectedDuplicate, copiesDir, true)

  def checkDuplicate(f1: File, f2: File): Boolean = {
    val bytes1 = new Array[Byte](1024*1024)
    val bytes2 = new Array[Byte](1024*1024)

    val input1 = new FileInputStream(f1)
    val input2 = new FileInputStream(f2)

    var bytesRead1 =
    while(bytesRead1 > 0) {
      val bytesRead2 =

      if (bytesRead1 != bytesRead2) {
        return false;

      //Bytes read number the same
      if (!bytes1.sameElements(bytes2)) {
        return false

      bytesRead1 =

    //bytesRead1 is -1. Check if bytes read number from file2 is also -1
    if ( == -1) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  def md5SumString(bytes : Array[Byte]) : String = {
    val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")

    md5.digest().map(0xFF & _).map { "%02x".format(_) }.foldLeft(""){_ + _}

  def getAllFiles(dir : File) : List[File] = {
    var l = List[File]()
    dir.listFiles.foreach(f => {
      if (f.isFile) {
        l = f :: l
      } else {
        l = l ::: getAllFiles(f)



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

JSF2.0 component for cross-field validation

Have you ever had problems with cross-field validation in JSF? Me too, so I created this component. You can validate few UIInput components and have their values as List in validator. The component is in softwaremill-faces library. To use it in maven project, add repository:

  <url> </url>
and dependency:
Now you can use multiValidator component. First add namespace to your .xhtml page:

Then just wrap components you want to cross-validate in <v:multiValidator>. If you attach validator to this component, value parameter that goes to validation method is List of values of UIInput components inside  tag.

E.g. if you want to validate two checkboxes. Each can be checked or unchecked, but at least one has to be checked.
<v:multiValidator id="multi" validator="#{bean.validationMethod}">
  <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.check1}" />
  <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.check2}" />
<h:message for="multi" />
Validation method in bean:
public void validationMethod(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
  List<Object> values = (List<Object>) value;
  //value is list of values of both selectBooleanCheckboxes
  Boolean firstChecked = (Boolean) values.get(0);
  Boolean secondChecked = (Boolean) values.get(1);

  if (! (firstChecked || secondChecked)) {
    Message message = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Check at least one checkbox", null);
    throw new ValidatorException(message);
If none checkbox is checked error message is displayed in <h:message for="multi"> tag.

Source code of this component is on github.

Any suggestions, opinions or questions regarding this component are welcome. Have a good time using it :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

GWT table row as UiBinder

Some time ago I wanted to dynamically add rows to a table in GWT, but I wanted to define row template using UiBinder. Programatically it is no problem. You can create FlexTable and add widgets to it. The problem arises when you want to do it using UiBinder. You can create a FlexTable in UiBinder, and you can create widgets, but you can't create element which renders to html tag <tr>. Kazik Pogoda found a way to do it.

First we need two widgets which renter to <tr> and <td>. The code for TR:
public class TrElement extends ComplexPanel {
  private TableRowElement tr;

  public TrElement() {
    Document doc = Document.get();
    tr = doc.createTRElement();

  public void add(Widget child) {
    add(child, (Element) tr.cast());
The TD is analogous, just change TableRowElement into TableCellElement and doc.createTRElement() into doc.createTDElement(). We can now create UiBinder xml file which renders to single table row (TR element is it's root):
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
        <g:Label ui:field="icon" styleName="Icon"></g:Label>
        <g:Label ui:field="title" styleName="Title"></g:Label>
        <g:Label ui:field="description" styleName="Description"></g:Label>
      <g:Label ui:field="price" styleName="Price"></g:Label>
Here is how we can use it to add to a table (FlexTable):
TableRowView trView = new TableRowView();

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Warsjawa 2010. Impressions.

My impressions after this year's Warsjawa are very positive. Well, in fact I could expect this :) Presentations were interesting, meeting other IT people is always good too. I met Bartek Zdanowski, who wanted to meet me. It's quite strange feeling when you meet somebody who knows you, but didn't meet you before. Strange but nice :)

First presentation was about Play framework by Wojciech Erbetowski. I was a little late, but I've seen enough to notice that Play is framework different than all the others.

I was a bit disappointed that Sławek Sobótka didn't make it there (he fell ill). He's topic was the most interesting for me. However, Paweł Lipiński worthily replaced him. Paweł was talking about what in programming he was taught by... his own children, kindergarten, Roomba etc. I never noticed that when there are 2-3 people in a project, it is much cleaner, but it's becoming a mess when there are more than 5 people. I never noticed it, but now it's very clear to me. It seems Paweł is a man who can learn and get knowledge from anything. Ah, and he mentioned me :)

This year on Warsjawa there was also something from our Szczecin JUG. Darek "Lock" Łuksza presented Git version control system and it's Eclipse plugin EGit. Darek did great job, and even found one bug during presentation :) It seemed a bit embarassing for him, but the rest was very good. He knows the topic very well (he's EGit commiter) and he showed many things coding live. Overall presentation was very good.

After Darek's presentation pizza arrived. It disappeared quite quickly, maybe there was a bit too few. We run out of beverages too. Anyway I didn't hear somebody died of hunger or thirst, so it wasn't that bad :)

Next interesting presentation was about Clojure. This time there were two presenters. First Marcin Rzewucki showed us some theory, then Jan Rychter told about practical use of Clojure in Fablo. He showed few interesting features of this language, like STM. Thanks to STM in Fablo they are able to replace customer's database without stopping the service. Pretty impressive.

Did you know that in Java you can have two methods with the same name and arguments, differing only by return type? Compiler can't compile this, but if you write it in bytecode it is perfectly valid! This and others interesting things about bytecode were shown by Adam Michalik. I wonder if any company needs "bytecode programmer"? I like such low-level stuff. At the university I always liked assembler.

The last presentation by Rafał Rusin was about Apache HISE. I have to admit I was too tired and the topic was not very interesting for me, so I didn't remember much from this one.

Generally I think this was very nice conference. Meeting new people, and some older friends, is always nice. Listening to interesting people talking about interesting things is also nice. It seems one hour for presentation is very good duration. All the presenters could do all they wanted/needed (at least it seemed so). I remember on GeeCON there was only 45 minutes and it was too little. If only there was more pizza (or maybe something better?) and beverages it would be perfect.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Convert JME application to Android

Here is the story:

I bought Android phone. Earlier I was using Windows Mobile phone, and I had one j2me application on it that was very important to me. It was "TokenGSM", application which serves the same purpose as RSA tokens, but installed on my phone. Very good decision of my bank that they created it so users don't have to carry additional device with them (users have choice, you can also get RSA token if you prefer it). So this application is necessary if I want to log in to my bank account. Pretty vital.

But, as you probably know, there is no Java ME on Android :( Here is what I did (this forum was useful):

  1. Call the bank and ask for new GSM token. Token is somehow bound to the phone, so if you change phone, you need new token.
  2. Write down URL from WAP Push SMS. Do it before opening it. On my phone (Android 2.2, HTC Desire) if you don't do it but just try to open URL, it's lost. Browser can't open it, but you don't even have chance to see it. Browser just blinks and returns to home screen :| It's not in history, nor in downloads.
  3. Go to and download App Runner. I went there from my phone and downloaded directly to it. I'm not sure if this point is really necessary, but some say it is.
  4. Click "Convert existing j2mes into apk & upload to Android Market." I don't think it really uploads to Market.
  5. Enter your written down URL and click "Get Apk". You have your Android TokenGSM :)
  6. Transfer the file to your phone and install it.
  7. Now you have to activate the token with code you received from the bank.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Flash scope in JSF 2.0 (nothing about Adobe Flash)

In JSF 2.0, amongst Request, Session etc, there is the new scope called Flash. (However there is no annotation @FlashScope, and you can't put bean in this scope). It's concept is taken from Ruby on Rails. Data in Flash scope are available for current and for next request, but not for subsequent requests. Usage is very simple.
On first page (e.g. index.html):
  <h:inputtext value="#{flash.text}">
  <h:commandbutton action="page?faces-redirect=true" value="To page">
And this is the page we are redirecting to, page.xhtml:
  <h:outputtext value="#{flash.text}">
Why would you need such scope? Imagine you want to enter data on one page, then redirect to another page, and display this data. If not for redirect, we could use Request scope. But with redirect value is sent with request, then browser is redirected to another page, and makes another request. Request scoped value is gone. In such case Flash scope becomes useful. We can put value in this scope with one request, and when another request is made, the value is still there. But it is not stored in session, and is not available for subsequent requests.

However, there is a way to make data in Flash scope alive a bit longer. It is enough if in page.xhtml we change #{flash.text} to #{flash.keep.text}. This way data is not removed from the scope after first request, but is available for one more.

In managed beans, you can get flash scope by
Flash flash = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash();

Saturday, August 28, 2010

JSF 2 templating

In this post I want to share my knowledge about JSF 2 templating. Most of this post are source codes, but if you are novice and don't know how to start, and where to put the source code, here you go.

0. Download Netbeans and setup the project.

Install Netbeans and run it. I use version 6.9. In Netbeans, go to File -> New Project... and then choose Java Web and Web Application. Click Next.

In next window choose project name, optionally directory where to store it, and set the project as the main project.

In the next window leave <None> in enterprise application and choose web server. Default should be ok, the same about context path.

Check JavaServer Faces. In Libraries tab select Registered Libraries and JSF 2.0.

1. Simple template and it's client. <ui:insert> and <ui:define>

Ok, we'll create simpliest template possible. In Web Pages create new .xhtml file, let's name it headerFooter.xhtml. It's our template containing header, footer, and place for some content between them.

You can let Netbeans create it for you along with nice CSS files, you can also select one of predefined template layouts. Click File ->  New File -> JavaServer Faces -> Facelets Template. Our template code:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <title>Header-Footer Template</title>
        <div id="top">
            Here goes our header
        <div id="content" class="center_content">
            <ui:insert name="content">Content</ui:insert>
        <div id="bottom">
            And here footer
Now create template client. It is a page which uses the template. Let's call it templateClient.xhtml:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<ui:composition xmlns:ui=""
    <ui:define name="content">

In template there is <ui:insert> tag. This is a named place where content from template client goes, and it's name in this case is content. In client, there is <ui:composition>. It uses template given as tags attribute, and has <ui:define> tags, with the same name as <ui:insert> in template. So what's in <ui:define> tag is inserted in place of <ui:insert> with the same name. You can run your project (in Netbeans right-click on project and select Run) and see the templated page at http://localhost:8080/JsfTemplating/faces/templateClient.xhtml Any content surrounding <ui:composition> tag is ommitted.

Template client can also be a template. Just put some <ui:insert> tag inside of <ui:define> block. E.g.
<ui:define name="content">
    <div class="info">
        Here goes some additional info, which is not in the header nor in the footer, but we need it on some pages.
    <ui:insert name="innerContent">

2. Decorate

We can also insert parts of markup in our pages. If you have piece of code which you put on some pages and it's always the same, you can separate it to a file and just insert it in the pages. <ui:decorate> tag is used for this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
        Some page text
        <ui:decorate template="./disclaimer.xhtml"/>
Content of disclaimer.xhtml is injected where <ui:decorate> tag is. Don't add <?xml ... ?> declaration or doctype there, or it is going to be inserted in the middle of your page, which is not desirable. You can also use standard templating in disclaimer.xhtml. You can put <ui:insert> there and <ui:define> in page which uses it.

3. Include

Another method to attach some piece of markup is <ui:include>. This one also lets us pass some parameter to the piece of code we want to include, and this parameter can be managed bean. Lets say we have bean with information about some documents:
public class Paper {

    private String author;
    private String title;

    //getters and setters omitted
Piece of code to display information about a book is prepared in book.xhtml file:
<div xmlns="">
    Book "#{book.title}" by #{}
Now in any other JSF page we can use it:
<ui:include src="./book.xhtml">
    <ui:param name="book" value="#{tomSawyer}" />
I hope this post is going to be helpful to somebody. At least to me. Happy templating with JSF!

Monday, August 9, 2010

JPA Puzzle. When your entity misses some fields.

Today I encountered quite interesting problem. It wasted few hours of my life, so maybe if you read this you can save some. Example is simplified as much as possible.
@Table(name = "PERSONS")
        name = "getPersonBasic",
        query = "SELECT, p.surname FROM persons where p.surname = ?",
        resultClass = Person.class),
        name = "getPersonDetails",
        query = "SELECT, p.surname, p.age, p.street, FROM persons where p.surname = ?",
        resultClass = Person.class)
public class Person {
    private String name;

    private String surname;

    private int age;

    private String street;

    private String city;


Now, in my application I am getting Person with surname "Stawicki" without details, by "getPersonBasic" query. Then I need detailed person in the same transaction, so I execute "getPersonDetails". And... I am getting Person without age, street and city. This three fields are null. Why? Do you already know? If not, look below for answer.

The problem is in cache, and in @Id which is only on surname field. First person is retrieved without details and stored in cache. Then we try to get person with details, but JPA doesn't understand difference between our queries. It queries the database, and identifies that if it builds entity from resulting ResultSet, it is going to have the same @Id as entity which is already in cache. If @Id is the same, logically it is the same entity. So it just returns it without building whole entity from ResultSet.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Review: Real World Java EE Patterns Rethinking Best Practices, by Adam Bien

Real World Java EE Patterns Rethinking Best Practices

"Real World Java EE Patterns" is a book targeted rather for developers with some experience with JEE. If you are a beginner, you can miss some context. If you have some experience with JEE, in this book you'll probably find solutions to problems that are familiar to you.

Adam Bien is great at explaining difficult topics. Difficult? I didn't find anything difficult in this book ;) E.g. transactions isolation is explained very clearly.

The book is very good catalog of JEE Patterns. Each pattern is described separately in similar manner. Each chapter has subchapters: "Problem", "Forces", "Solution", "Testing", "Documentation", "Consequences" and "Related Patterns". In "Problem" a reader can find short description of a problem the pattern should solve. "Forces" shows features that solution should have. "Solution" contains description of pattern, what classes it consists of and what is their responsibility. Usually accompanied by very clear and simple pieces of code. In "Testing" and "Documentation" author highlights what should we test when we use certain pattern, and what should be documented (quite obvious, isn't it?). In "Consequences" we can read about what are pros and cons of the pattern. "Related Patterns" is self explanatory. Most interesting subchapter is "Solution", and it also has sub-subchapters. One of them is "Rethinking". It is good part for experienced JEE developers. Adam shows why some patterns are obsolete. It doesn't mean you should never use it, but in most cases it is no longer necessary in JEE5 or 6. Some patterns, when moved from EJB2 to EJB3, are not adding any value, but instead are adding layer of abstraction and unnecessary complicating the system.

What I like about Adam Bien is that he is not only writing and talking about programming, but he's also programming. While reading the book, one can feel that the author has real experience with the topic. Sometimes he advices not to use what is common "best practice", when it is not necessary and is not adding any value. Good programmer should be able to balance pros and cons of possible solutions, not just blindly follow common practice.

There are small mistakes in the book, but only editor ones, like misspellings and formatting mistakes, single lines of code on next/previous page etc. Nothing really annoying, but there is room for improvement on this field.

Thank you Adam for this book!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Transaction isolation level

Recently I have read very good explanation of transaction isolation levels in "Real World Java EE Patterns. Rethinking Best Practices." by Adam Bien.

Transactions were introduced for two reasons. To make complex operations atomic (all or nothing) and to give possibility to concurrently use resources. Without transactions it is possible that two users (or more specifically actors, this can be some parts of the system, not necessarly live users) read/write the same resource simultaneously, and changes made by one of them are lost and overwriten by the other one.

Consider following example document:

Cheesecake bottom
250g crunchy bisquits
100g butter

Cheesecake top
900g cottage cheese
250g mascarpone cheese
1 lemon

Imagine one user gets the document and the other user also is getting the same document. Both users have the same data. Now both of them are editing it. One likes sweeter cake bottom, so adds "2 spoons of sugar" to the recipe, and writes changed recipe back to the database. In database now it looks like this:

Cheesecake bottom
250g crunchy bisquits
100g butter
2 spoons of sugar

Cheesecake top
900g cottage cheese
250g mascarpone cheese
1 lemon

Meanwhile second user adds "2 eggs" to cheescake top recipe and saves his version:

Cheesecake bottom
250g crunchy bisquits
100g butter
2 spoons of sugar

Cheesecake top
900g cottage cheese
250g mascarpone cheese
1 lemon
2 eggs
Change made by the first user is lost. In some cases it can lead to inconsistent data.

So that's why transactions were introduced. Transaction isolates changes made by one user from changes made by the other. There are 4 levels of transaction isolation.


Transaction locks all necessary resources. If user wants to read or write some resource, it is locked and no one else can read or write it. This level of isolation can easly lead to deadlocks:
  1. User Ann opens transaction. Ann needs resource A, transaction locks it.
  2. User John opens another transaction. John needs resource B, transaction locks it.
  3. Ann needs resource B, but it is locked, so Ann's transaction needs to wait until it is released
  4. John needs resource A, but it is locked. John's transaction waits until it is released. Both users wait endlessly.

If John didn't need A, he finishes his transaction, B is released and Ann can finish her transaction too.

Repeatable reads

Guarantees that the same query will return the same results if executed in one transaction. Even if other transaction modifies resource meanwhile. Exception is adding - new rows can appear in query result. If another transaction deletes existing rows or modifies them, this changes are not visible.
  1. Ann opens transaction. She reads names of java4people organizers: "Stawicki" and "Gruchała".
  2. Bob opens transaction and deletes "Stawicki". Bob commits changes and closes transaction.
  3. Again Ann reads names. She gets "Stawicki" and "Gruchała".

If Bob added some name, Ann would read it too.

Read commited

The same query can return different result even in one transaction if another transaction makes changes and commits them.
  1. Ann opens transaction and reads names of java4people organizers: "Stawicki" and "Gruchała".
  2. Bob opens transaction and deletes "Stawicki".
  3. Ann reads names again. She gets "Stawicki" and "Gruchała".
  4. Bob commits his transaction
  5. Ann reads names again (still in one transaction). She gets "Gruchała".

Read uncommited

Like no transactions at all. It only gives us atomic operations. User can rollback all the changes in transaction. Changes are visible to other transactions even before commit. Of course, if transaction that made changes is rolled back, changes are not visible any more.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

After GeeCON 2010

This year GeeCON took place in Poznań which is much closer to Szczecin than Cracow. I expected it to be as good as a year before, maybe I expected too much. I don't mean it was bad, but previous year it was so great that maybe it was hard to keep this level. Or maybe I was not choosing right presentations. There were three tracks this year so choice was sometimes difficult.

Like a previous year there was "University Day" before the conference. University Day is day of workshops on various topics. I have chosen Gradle, like many other people. Too many unfortunately. Hans said there are too many attendants to make exercises for everyone, so only he coded live. I missed coding myself.

First interesting concept I heard about was Object Teams. It is a new idea of modularizing our programs, based on entities, collaborations and roles. All three look pretty much like java classes. In OOP there are objects which are data and methods. We can use objects to modularize our applications, but often connections between modules are becoming complicated. Creators of Object Teams concluded that modularization and OOP is not about modules/objects itself but about connections between them. So there are entities, which represent data. There are collaborations, that represent operations on data, and roles. In a collaboration, each entity plays some role. Everything looks pretty and neat, and I wonder if it is going to become popular in coming years. I must admit I haven't heard about it before.

Quite interesting presentation was about JSF 2.0 by Ed Burns. Nothing quite new for me, but if someone thinks JSF didn't change much since 1.2 version he should attend this presentation (or watch on GeeCON's channel on when it becomes available ;)). Guys who created version 2.0 addressed all the problems developers were complaining about with previous versions. I remember Seam was framework which was built on JSF and addressed such problems. Now, when it is solved in JSF itself, I wonder what are differences between Seam and JSF 2.0.

On the second day Jonas Bonér was talking about actors, agents, STM and other solutions making concurrent programming much easier than threads with shared state and locks. Next time I'll need to do some concurrent programming in Java I'll definitely use something from Akka.

Vaclav Pech's presentation was quite similar. He also talked about concurrent programming with actors, but in Groovy. As usual Vaclav gave very good presentation.

Vaadin is the next thing I want to use. At work I use GWT and I don't really like it. GWT compilation is very long and asynchronous callbacks are making code more complicated. Besides most of work is done on the server anyway. Programming in Vaadin is very similar to programming in GWT, but everything is server side. Vaadin uses GWT for presentation, so it is possible to write custom components for Vaadin in GWT, but then compilation is needed only once. Damn, this could save many hours of my life.

Bruno Bossola's presentation was very good and funny. No suprise here :) Bruno talks about things that many developers really need. I agree somewhere we lost real Object Oriented programming. Bruno also mentioned a book which I feel is unfairly forgotten. "Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development" by Craig Larman. When I started working for NCDC more than few years ago, my boss put this book to company's library and recommended it to us. I read it and I feel it made me a better developer. If you put all your code into one huge class or even method, buy or borrow this book and read it. Even if it's old it's worth it. Some things don't change even in IT ;)

If I can have some hint for the organizers I'd like to suggest to make presentations longer. Many presenters didn't manage to show everything they wanted. I think 1.5 hour is minimum.

I heard food was also a problem on the first day. It didn't suffice for everybody, but I managed to grab my plate so I don't complain :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

SzJUG member, Filip "Filus" Pająk presentation on TestNG

Recently (last Thursday) I had pleasure to attend Szczecin JUG meeting at which Filip presented TestNG. Presentation was great. I knew Filip is a perfectionist, and when he does something it is just perfect :), but I didn't know he has such great speaker talent! I felt he really cares about being understood.

Filip was very well prepared. A lot of knowledge and a lot of great examples. Examples were prepared before and were short and simple. Just what you need to understand some issue, no less and no more. I think it is better than coding "live" when something can blow up. Show example, run it and show results.

Filip claimed he is no "guru" and doesn't know TestNG very well, but as far as I remember, he knew answer to every question :). I hope it was not his last presentation at Szczecin JUG. Or maybe he'll present somewhere else now? Who knows?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Szczecin JUG Meeting. Filip "Filus" Pająk on TestNG.

On 22nd of April 2010 Filip "Filus" Pająk will present TestNG. If you are around Szczecin, feel invited. It's free :)

Filus is experienced Java programmer and tester. When he does something, you can be sure it's going to be good. I think he'll make great presentation.

I am very glad Szczecin JUG is organising another meeting. It's been some time since the last one.

Maybe I should also present something? JavaFX? Scala?

Monday, March 22, 2010

JavaScript training

This weekend I was able to take part in JavaScript training by Damian Wielgosik . As I was not very experienced JavaScript developer, I have learned a lot. I also got convinced that in JavaScript everything is possible :)

I am impressed by the trainer. I was quite surprised when I found out that it was the third training he conducted. I thought he is much more experienced. He had great "contact with the audience", atmosphere was very friendly, nobody was afraid to ask questions or discuss. Thank you Damian!

Two days full of training is quite a much time, so there was also place for exercises. This was very good, nothing consolidates knowledge like some exercises and because Damian was always there to help if we were stuck, we were not wasting time. Doing exercises in groups was also very good idea. We worked as a team and helped each other. I never doubted in efficiency of pair programming :)

Scope of topics was impressive. I learned a lot about prototypes and constructors, which was a bit strange for Java programmer (but not so much if he was also learning Ruby ;)) I think we covered pretty much everything in JS, from basics (which we run through quite fast) to optimization.

I would also like to thank other participants for great atmosphere, discussions, questions, help and info about "pierogarnia" :) I wish I could attend more such good trainings.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Review: Programming Scala, by Venkat Subramaniam

Programming Scala: Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine (Pragmatic Programmers)Courtesy of The Pragmatic Bookshelf I was able to read "Programming Scala" by Venkat Subramaniam. If you are a Java programmer, this book is a great introduction to Scala for you. It is packed with knowledge. There was not even one chapter after reading which I could say "well, this was quite obvious, I could expect this". Book is targeted for experienced Java programmers, so author does not cover things we already know. This was great for me, my time was not wasted learning what I don't need. Instead, I was led from easier topics in Scala (like classes, typing, closures) to more difficult ones (pattern matching, actors and concurrency) at a nice pace. Most topics are explained quite clearly and understandable. There are few which I had difficulties understanding and I needed to fiddle with some code to get it. But fiddling with code is fun for programmer, isn't it? One of such topics were actors, which is a great feature in Scala and something completely new for Java programmer (unless he knows Erlang too ;)). It took me some time with IDE to understand actors, but it was also fun.

The book not only teaches how to program in Scala, but also shows tools to run these programs. Knowing that Scala doesn't necessarly need to be compiled to run and that it can be run as a script can be very useful if you need to do some simple job on your system. Author shows how to use it as a scripting language. I also liked the last chapter in which author creates Scala application using various features covered in the book. It was a good way to sum up.

The only weak point of this book are examples. Especially at the end of the book they become more and more difficult and not always clearly explained. Another disadvantage of examples is their little connection with reality. Have you ever need to count letters in blog URL? In some cases they even show bad practice like throwing general Exception. I know it's only example, but educational book should not promote bad practice even there.

Said all this, I would recommend this book to every Java programmer who wants to learn Scala. If you are not afraid to fiddle a little with code (and you should not be, you are a programmer after all;) ) it is a very good book for you and you are it's perfect target.

Last but not least, not only author, but also editors deserve praise. I have PDF edition and I can login on page anytime and download it. I don't have to worry that if I loose it - it's lost for good. Moreover there are .mobi and .epub formats available. I could read the book on my phone on a bus or a tram which was very convenient. And there is even more - the books are DRM free, which shows publishers not only care for readers comfort, but also trust us. I appreciate that.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Simple AJAX with JSF 2.0

In JSF 2.0, there are tags added to make AJAX calls easy. Without further ado:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
   <h:outputScript name="jsf.js" library="javax.faces" target="body"></h:outputScript>
   <f:view contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
       <h1>Hello Ajax World!</h1>
       <h:form id="form">
           <h:inputText id="name" value="#{}"/>

           <h:commandButton value="Reverse name via Ajax!">
               <f:ajax execute="name" render="reverseName"/>
           <h:outputText id="reverseName" value="#{nameMBean.reverseName}"/>

First things first. To use AJAX in JSF 2.0, we have to attach jsf.js file (line 8). Then we are ready.

Most interesting is line 18. <f:ajax> added to command button makes AJAX action fire when button is pressed. We could as well put it into <h:inputText> element, then it would fire on change of text inside (onchange event).

Parameter execute tells JSF which parts it should send to server for model update. This could be also form, for all the parameters in the form, or list of element ids separated by space. Parameter render denotes which parts of view should be rerendered after receiving AJAX response. Here we can also put more than one.

We can put more parameters to <f:ajax>, like event, where we can specify on which event AJAX action should occur (not necessarly click event), or listener, where we can call some method on managed bean.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Make Ubuntu faster

There are few very simple methods to make Ubuntu faster. Some of them work not only on Ubuntu, but on other linux systems as well.

Change dynamic linking to static one

When compiler generates binary file, elements which should connect with external libraries are only stubs. When running application for the first time (in a session), it is dynamically linked, which means stubs are replaced with real calls to libraries. This process takes some time. Open Office on my machine runs about 5 seconds for the first time, and 1-2 seconds every next time.

Fortunately there is a program called prelink, accessible from Ubuntu repositories.

sudo apt-get install prelink
sudo prelink -amR

After the second command prelink scans binaries specified in /etc/prelink.conf and modifies them replacing dynamic calls with static ones, but in binary files, so this change is permanent. Disadvantage of this solution is that after every update of processed program we need to run prelink again.

We can always go back to dynamic linking (undo prelink):

sudo prelink -au

You HAVE TO go back to dynamic linking if you want to remove prelink.

Get now what I'll need in a few miliseconds

Next useful program fastening Ubuntu is preloader. It uses magic (complicated algorithms) to predict what data is going to be necessary next and loads it before application asks.

You only need to install it:

sudo apt-get install preload

It should run automatically, but if for some reason it is not running:

sudo /etc/init.d/preload start

Koziołek says it consumes a lot of RAM, but I didn't notice :)

Run services in paralell

If you have more than one core, you can set your system to start services in paralell during startup. This is potentially dangerous, as there might be services which depend on each other.

Edit /etc/init.d/rc and find line CONCURRENCY=none. Change it to CONCURRENCY=startpar.

This post is here courtesy of Bartłomiej "Koziołek" Kuczyński, and is translation of his post in Polish.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Partial mocks in Mockito - Mock only what you need, left the rest to the original class

In Mockito you can not only create "regular" mocks, but also partial mocks. Let's assume we need to use instance of class A, and we want to mock it. We can do mock:
A aMock = Mockito.mock(A.class);
Sometimes, we want to use instance of real class A, but mock only part of it. Only one or few methods. With Mockito it is possible:
A a = Mockito.spy(new A());
So we spy real object, we can verify it's method calls, but we can also do that:
We can mock some of A's methods, leaving the rest to the real A instance.
For me it was useful while I was creating test involving user. User object's have ID, but there is only getter for it. ID is always set by database, and should never been changed by programmers, so there is only getter. Thanks to partial mocks, I mocked only getId() method, without need to add setId() just for testing purposes.