Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mercurial installation and remote server interaction by hg-login

I want to have mercurial on my machine, but I also want to have "central repository" for continuous integration builds. I chosen mercurial because it is fast (like git), and it has good support in NetBeans (at least I heard it has ;)).
To push/pull changes to/from server, I use hg-login. Ssh is also necessary. Ok, so here are the steps:
1. Install mercurial on both client and server.
apt-get install mercurial
2. Create user mercurial on the server, and disable his shell.
sudo adduser mercurial
Edit /etc/shadow and set his password to "*".
3. Go to server (ssh will suffice) and switch to user mercurial.
sudo su - mercurial
4. Go to /home/mercurial and create repositories directory.
cd /home/mercurial
mkdir repositories
5. Create file hg-login in /home/mercurial. Copy script there. Script can be found on
mcedit hg-login
It can be necessary to change the script. In my case I needed to change /usr/local/bin/hg to /usr/bin/hg. Change to where your hg command is located.
6. Go back to client machine. Generate ssh keys pair for yourself.
Add private key to your ssh agent.
This way when you connect by ssh from client, you are automatically authenticated.
7. Go to server again. In /home/mercurial/.ssh create file authorized_keys.
cd /home/mercurial/.ssh
touch authorized_keys
In this file put line:
command="/home/mercurial/hg-login franek",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding [key]
franek is user name. Replace [key] with content of your .ssh/ file from client. Put whole content there (with ssh-rsa in the beginning and <user>@<host> at the end).
8. Create repository in /home/mercurial/repositories/.
cd /home/mercurial/repositories
mkdir myapplication
cd myapplication
hg init
9. Allow franek to access myapplication repository. In /home/mercurial/repositories create file myapplication.allow. In this file list users who has to have access to myapplication repository. In this case franek, so the file looks like this:
10. On client machine, go to directory where your application is: cd <yourdir>/myapplication
11. Create local mercurial repository.
hg init
12. Add all what is in /myapplication directory to local repository.
hg add
13. Commit added files.
hg commit
You'll need to edit commit comment.
14. Push changes to remote repository.
hg push ssh://mercurial@yourserver/myapplication
While creating this recipe, hg-login site was very helpful.
As I mentioned before, I chosen mercurial because of Netbeans. But I don't find Netbeans support of mercurial satisfactory. I am used to eclipse and it's great support for CVS. In eclipse, if there are some changes in CVS and I don't have them (incoming changes), I can see what has changed (file by file diff) before I update my code. I failed to do this in Netbeans with mercurial.